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News-Press from Fort Myers, Florida • Page 4

News-Press from Fort Myers, Florida • Page 4

Fort Myers, Florida
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PAGE Fonu ttitttt "TvrrTT Trvy.y yv a-yyy CLASSIFIED ADS LOCAL HAPPENINGS I in pro Inif I oca i dealers report a marked im-, i enieiii iii the fish market. Give Jewelry This Year Opportunity Awaits You FOR SOMETHING TO EAT Vim eiiiiiint eat better or fed better afterwunls tl.iin hj usinif our peciul branils of KToceries-those groceries that aipeal to the Miiiiiach that are excepllonullj wholesome and easily ill-ifi sted tl.iit leine no distresnlnir after effects. There are a hundred reasons why Jewelry should bo given for holiday nifts. There are no nood reasons why it shouldn't be given not even the price. When nifts are selected from a ore like ours, every recipient receives the Kift he.

or she wanted, und both recipient and donor enjoys the assurance that the article will give enduring service. A gift in gold, silver, china, g'ass, leather, will prove to be a daily reminder of your thouglitfulness. If your gif are selected here, the recipients will be doubly pleased, for they will know you wanted them to have the best. Till' STOKE THAT MAKES Ml liltV IOK VOL'. I G.

B. REYNOLDS Fort Myers Jewelry Co. Registered Optremetrist at Your Service Stove Wood STOP aKd Stove Wood FOKT VEILS Phone 157-2. KHEI) E. He Stire To (Jive Street: and House Nil The present that SI' ITS is the ONLY one worth ithinir.

lint could be more suitable fur Christmas irifts than our show inir of men's wear Hats, Neckties, Hamlker chiefs. Hosiery, Sniokinu' Jackets, Hat Kobes, Etc Ete.f If its worn by men or boys WE HAVE IT! Foxworthy Co. AUCTION SALE EVERY EVE at 7 o'clock of the goods saved from the FIRE COST PRICES on all goods at all times and goods at your own price at the AUCTION SALE. Beautiful gifts given away FREE every Evening. Don't fail to attend.

HIIISTMAS THAN 1 THINK Fort Myers, Fla. Investing In Future Happiness The man joiinir or old who pro. tides 11 (OOI house for bis family Is ninkiiitf a hundred per eent iiiu'stment in future happiness. This life is what ie make it happiness or misery nad the house plays an important part in the linal adjustment. REPAIRING AND REMODELING Work promptly attended to.

Send for DARGAN P. O. BOX 694 Theatre LKA1'" with (i. M. Anderson.

of 1.K LOVE." II AH'KN WATCH EOll IT. REAVES Opposite Depot 215 First Street C. MeClnre and I'r. P. K.

Arm-ftronn made tin' trip to Woodrow in Mr Mel 'hire's speed boat, the Doctor oiim to at end a patient tin re r'() know Florida's general farrnlni; I and fruit i'rrowin possibilities and methods of rowinK and market ini; fruit, truck crops ami livestocK, s-e'iii in i cuts for three months' trial subscription to the Florida Farmer and I loieeseeker, SI. A 14 list im1, Fla. One year 5o cents, three years $1 ell, sample Butter Milk GOOD and FRESH By the Glass or Gallon liable Boyd City Dock onight At The Court sanay -JIKOX'O Itll.l.Y'S L. J. VanDuyl General Contractor and Builder ItESIOEXtf: COTTAGE STKEET.

FOKT UYCKS, FLORID i. BOX 211 FOET M1ERS WEATHER. High Low Rain Wind Sky 62., 49 X. Clear. FOR FLORIDA Fair tonight and Wednesday; colder tonight temperature below freezing in north and central portions t- night.

If carriers fail to deliver pa- per promptly, subscribers are requested to notify offire ut once PERSONAL ITEMS I Order your iee clean tri'in IV: Myers Dairy Cream. Leon Hotel lias private baths. Mod erate prices. Miss Feltz has been a visitor from Idalia. The Leon is the Hotel to at Vacum cleaned and priv.uo batiin.

Don't forget to look first in the Second I lam! Store. J. W. Butler, Cha tr.noo.-.a, is in the city on business. Egg plants and pepper; are ropciP-d Iringing a hump.

t. E. L. Sawyer, a winter visi'nr. is improving his resilience at Sanibcl.

Order your ('lii'irtmas tnrlny from the Fort Myers KxrliiiiU1'. OaK street. C. S. nrewer, a visitor lo ir, is at Arcadia on business, but i-; to return hero ulior ly.

Buy your Christmas presents from the Cox Furniture Co. and yon will have a value of lasting qualities J. L. VanDiiyl lias turned from Sanibel wliere he has some buiiiiini; operation under way. How about a Victrola for Christmas? Soe the Cox Furniture Co.

stock of all makes. Kdison rhonoyraph also Mr. and Mrs. K. A Woo ls, who been spending some lime in this county on a hunting trip, have tunif I Sanford Our Holiday Candies are dally and iv are in position in make very attractive prices to Similar pchools.

The II. E. ileitmaii Rev. F. G.

Scott of the th church here, who has been tramiei-red to Arcadia, expects to im.e his family there about Thursday. The season for Itakimr is here, We lime just rerehed a full Hue of fresh seeded raisins, dates, lies currents, citron, oramre peel and new crop nuts of all varieties. The II. E. Heltmnn Co.

II. M. Sullivan and his lister. E. L.

Sullivan, were passenm rs on th Gladys last nijiht ivtiirnhm irom a short visit with Col. W. F. his Captiva home. mitice.

Effective Monday, December the Hand Boat Linn will positively no! carry any freight on its passenger boats. 0. H. Hand. Yacht Beintr JIaile Ready The Xoblett yacht has ju: oAen overhauled at the Raymond ways and is being put into commission today Mrs.

Mary E. Mclntyre has arrive. I arrived from ('Savannah i.nd will proceed to Sanibel where she will remain during the winter. "E1V YORK UtkF.T NEW YORK, Dec. 15.

Turpenti. 47; rosin, 3.63. HIM the good aim: It FY THK SEALS MMV 26c a day added to your r-nt will buy you a home. THE CARL ROBERTS CO New and Old furniture Bought and Sold seuing vciiiM-: t.w 1. 1 A It I I MISSION iMil HI KOtiiM? FOK PORCH ra KOU KENT.

IOU KK'N'T liunualow furnished. I Sanibel Island. Mrs. Brandon, Fort Myers, Fla. lOK KKNT Four furnished rooms for I liiit housekeeping, lu 1 leveianci Ave.

full RKXT Furnished upartment. I two rooms ana Kiicneneue. Aiuli'ison ana lmu. FOB SALE. Y)R HAl.K Twenty acres of fine hammock land on the sou bank of the Caloosatchce Kiver, owner not abb- to take up mortgage.

Ad- ress Hox. Ft. Myers, Fla. 1 OR SAI.K One span ot mules, well matched, weight. Age.

i to 5, past. tiood disposition, gmtie. work anywhere. Knquire of J. W.

Andrews, Woodrow, Fla. YOl' WANT A ISAUdAl.V NOW, I come and talk with me. 1 nave to sell the fixtures in my store, and you can have tln in at your own price. Address N. It.

Harrison, I -ox 4.s City. Toll Corn fen hens; every Saturday's delivery for iwis'- iria. Fresh eu'-'s. siiung egus, i tabb's.

Mail ord-T. Sou'liern Cross Farms. Alva, Fla. roil acres of pine I land and rich hammock land, yrapi'l'ruil trees and 500 orange both are budded and seedling: hexes; six-room house, pood barn. Close to Oaloshatehee river.

casli. J. N. Hlount, owner, li belle, Fla. I.MU SAI.K Wil sell part of our I homestead at over 300 acres, line for Harden, suaar cane, or-iinges andiirapefruit all pine and hammock land; quarter om mile Labelle postollice; a fine river front -N'atural Turk.

1. 1. Labelle. Fla IOK SALK Second band Ford Car in pood serviceable, conditio. will ell cheap.

Car can be seen at Hill's (Jaruye. rOR SALE The following cards are for salo at the Tress offlce: For tent. For Sale, For Flats. Un-uniished Kooins, Furnished Rooms, rc. Price 10c.

each, three for 25c. SALK Horse, Harness and 1' wayon. Cheap for cash. Apply John live, City Fish Market. LU SAL1J -ralu Grove Poultry 1' Kami.

Olsa, S. White Leghorns. Wyikoff strain, record layers; mating' from year-old-hens. Kss or hat. li in day-cld chicks.

We have the best. Write for prices. A. C. Weaver, Proprietor.

rOK SALI-J- Choice Building lets iu 1' desirable section. Apply Mri Jeffcott, 1 Anderson avenue. OR SALE or Exchange for real es-j1 tate, tlve passenger touring car in niuninu order. New tires. SALE Or trade, Pig Six Miteo-1' ell car.

Special shock absorber all around. Special Stromberg Car buretor. Well taken care of and prac tically as pood as new. Owner has new car. Will trade for Fort Myers real estate or Fort Myers mortgage ind pay difference in cash.

Address Automobile, Care Prer.s. )OAUD with or without rooms, II Home cooking. Mrs. E. M.

Williams, 51S Anderson avenue. WASTED. ANTED Job caring for oran grove. I am experienced in grove culture, can give reference in this city. Apply Pox X2, Ft.

Myers. WANTKl) To buy new or old ture. Call phone 169. Day view Second Hand Store. 1VANTED To test your cows.

Maybe you ars using tuberculosis milk. Or. H. D. Provvn, V.

S. COPVRioh't CHRISTMAS PICTURES There is no gift that hai the tame permanent value as a Good Fotograf Call on HUNT First Fort Myers Florida 406 Street 'I'll CORSET SHOP. iss Nicholson will be pleased to her friends at her new dressing shop on Tonneller Court. Sh' ace, the i 'oils. eding Haker as corse lore most stylish and i omfortabl a-ul lier experience in dress-is well known to her former or 'lie, 1 1 i pat MIIK'K FOR ITRI l( ATION.

Serial No. Oepartnieiit of the Interior. S. Band Ollice at Gainesville, Florida, November 7, olice is hen hy given that Annie Ness Blanchet of Woodrow, Floi-uliii, on April 21, i. -stead Entry.

No. 012752. for Sec ion 11, Township 43 South, East. Tahnhassee Meridian, tiled notice, of intention to I'roof, to establish claim land above described, before of Circuit Court, at Fort Myers, ida, on (lie LMth day of December, Cm I'd ilinant names nu wi'nesses: iiirb's S. Crow of Womlrow, Hilton 1'.

Hart of I'pcoholl, Sim I triggers of Woodrow, Flov-Flor-Flor- Isaac I McSpadden of Woodrow id a. HENRY S. CllCIUi, ItegihtO r. SAVES DAUGHTER Advice of no Doak Pre-vents Daughter's Untimely End. Rendv.

Kv. I was not able to do nnyining for nearly six months," writes Airs. Laura uratcner, or mis piace, --aaa was down in bed for three months. I cannot tell you how I suffered with my head, and with nervousness and omanly troubles. Our family doctor told my husband he could not do me any good, and he had to pive it up.

We tried another doctor, Uut he aid not help me. At last, my mother advised me to taka Cardui, the woman's tonic. 1 thought it was no use tor I was nearly aeaa ana nothing seemed to do me any good. Hut 1 took eleven bottles, and now 1 am able to do all of my work and my own washing. 1 think Cardui is the best medicine in the world.

My weight has increased, and 1 look the picture of health. If you suffer from any of the ailments peculiar to women, get a bottle of Cardui unitiv. Delay is dangerous. We know it will help you. for it has helped so many thousands of other weak women in the past 50 years.

At all druggists. Wriii it: Chattanoof Madlclnt Ladl' Advisory Ghatianooga, tor Snaal Jtuit on your cate a A 64 book. Home Titimam lor Wiinao." in plan wrappar. N.G. IS! Low Prices -ON-- Cash Purchases V'i are mailing sof alt.activt pre on cash purchases.

Ixxik ovei list and not where you can savi monev. Tomatoes 'ans I'ork and Deans 1 an Sweet Corn 1 'ans June l'eas 'o i 'ounds Co' tob'iie 'o '(Hinds Snowdrift .1 Pounds I'illsbury Flour 15 I 'ounds Sugar 5 11.10 I.IMI l'i. sie Alracts, for V1 ite liacon, per pound Mo died Hacon. per pound 1 1 i Potatoes, per peck I'r t-ce Albert Tobacco, cans I'. S.

Marine Tobacco, 6 for A I pies, per perk So 'lis and Washing Powders, 1. imls, (1 for 2.H (U -'5c -e These Prices' For Cash Only IENAS GROCERY Hendry Street No Shop Worn QOODS ON OUR SHELVES, because we know how to buy and how to sell. We buy only good and Dependable merchandise, and sell at a very small profit. THE QUALITY SHOP ON FIRST STREET South of Hendry I II I '0- MOOD MILL, IIKNDUY, Proprietor. nibcr.

Terms Cosh On Delivery, Tonneher Gaiage It Is Expensive to monkey with anything poor In tke line of plumbing. The best is bou4 to be the cheapest In the end and sides It always gives satisfaction. II is a good plan to economize wheal economy is a saving but In this ta-Btance it is poor economy to quality for price. FT. MYERS PLUMBING COMPANY Florida Hendry Street Manager.

IL3 I dison -TIIK AHVKM I HFS OP THK OlM KKl KlTIXi MONKV'ith Harry ioro liioif r.iph "I'll FATI1 F.K'S Al'KtiOAT." lianee "MIK SA( jfc 7 T. Abstracts of Title S. C. HEADLEY, Abstracter TAXES PAID AM) KLDKEMEU FltOM TAX SALE. T.uiioiTDw nigl.t, Iltli installment NOMKTIIl; IS tiOIM.

TO C. BIGELOW DEALER Ii HIGU liKADE HORSESHOEING AXD W0KK, KEFAIH WORK A SPECIALTY. Captiva-on-the-Gulf Bayview Hotel and Cottages Fort Myers, PJillNE accommodations, grand beach for Iji I bathing and shells. Safe anchorage A New Mattress This winter would irhe yen irrenter comfort and comfort brings cn tenlinent and contiMitinent hriinrs better health and health la a stepping fitone to wealth and wealth is the pa ring of Fan Street. WHAT STREET ARE YOU ONI ODOM GILLIAM for boats.

Good fishing, boats and ini. guides furnished. Rates reasonable. Take Kinzie Line boats daily from Fort My ers. For terms apply to E.

S. Dole at hotel or Frank A. Lane, Heitman Building, Fort House Furnishings Myers. It's at the Grand Tonight HOTEL BRADFORD American or European Plan The leading hotel of the city. Rooms with or without board.

Special rates to residents of Fort Myers and Lee County. I IHST AI TIIEMIC S( OK THE tVOKLD WAU. i. Kill ST Mill' PASSIM. PANAMA CANAL.

AltANA Ml I'll Kit 1.1, A It lAK(HIN(i INTO MEXICO CITY p. P. SCHUTT Miss Millie lihoiles, in a strong drama, "THE VK-NOEANCE OK THE VAtHEHO." DOHOTHV KAN A Vita Coined. Mirrors Resilvered Sent for and Delivered Southern Furniture Co. 25 Oak St..

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